Busystyle makes it easy for barbers, beauty pros, tattoo artists and anyone else who takes appointments to get booked online 24/7 without answering a call, text, DM or email.
66% Less than similar apps! (limited time only)
Busystyle’s even less than what ‘Free’ apps charge you in credit card fees
24/7 Online Booking
Get booked without worrying about your schedule at night, days off, holidays, at dinner or while at work.
Virtual Walk Ins
Show your wait time on your profile so clients won’t have to come in your shop to check the wait so youll keep interruptions down and focus on the client in your chair
Clients won’t have to wait in your shop which means they’ll check into your list even if it’s 2 hours so your walk in traffic keeps flowing.
Send clients a one tap text when you want them to come in so you won’t have to write long texts to each walk in
Cross off clients when you’re done with their service to update the list for everyone in your shop so you can toss out that old sign in sheet
Accept Payments Online With Zero Credit Card Fees
This will save hundreds in fees which means more cash in your pocket
Custom Deposits
You can require clients to put a card on file once without having to pay a deposit so you can secure appointments and enforce cancellation fees
Add clients who tend to cancel last minute or no show to the Custom Deposit List which means they’ll have to pay before booking
Text Reminders & Alerts
Send an automatic 24 hour text reminder with a link to the appointment so clients can easily manage their slot and increase your peace of mind while reducing no shows
Clients you book get a text with their appointment info even if they aren’t on Busystyle which means you’ll further reduce no shows because they’ll be able to manage their slot from the text and receive 24 hour reminders
Display Your Business Online
Show your services, prices, business address, gallery and cancellation & rescheduling policies from your profile which means you’ll have a virtual business card with 24/7 booking abilities built right in so your clients can see everything they need while booking
Custom Booking Link
Next time a client texts you for an appointment send them your new link and say “here’s my link, book what ever is open and share it with your friends please!”
Add your link to social media pages, send it in texts or email and even insert it into a book now button on your existing website
Appointment Wait List
Clients can join your wait list and receive a text if someone cancels to book the opening which means your schedule stays full and you don’t have to scramble to fill cancellations that may
come during the week
You can add any clients that aren’t on Busystyle to your wait list so they can get an automatic text to book cancellations which means you won’t be letting any new clients that call or walk in slip by anymore
Block Unwanted clients
Prevent clients that constantly no show, come late or just plain old get on your nerves from booking by adding them to the black list which means next time they try to book they’ll see a message that says ‘Online booking is currently unavailable’ and think there’s a glitch in the app
Photo Album
Show your work directly on your profile so potential clients are more inclined to book their first appointment and to help provide inspiration for their service during the consultation phase